Uncover My Heart
16 x 20 acrylic on canvas.
✨8.4 x 11 prints are on giclèe archival fine art paper
✨16 x 20 , 24 x 30 prints are on satin posters
✨Canvas prints = canvas panels
In December of 2023 the Lord gave me a vision of a heart hovering above water, and as I looked closer I saw someone inside the heart. This person represented all the people within the body of Christ, being exposed through their surrendered. I felt the Lord say he was calling us into a deep exposure of the heart, one that would be a catalyst for cleansing and purification. His living waters are pure, holy, and righteous. As we take on the righteousness of Christ we began the transformation of looking more like him. What is the Lord trying to expose in your heart right now? What is he trying to reveal about your heart posture?