Heavenly Realm Art

The Pearl and the Purification

$30.00 - $500.00

18 x 24 acrylic on canvas.

✨8.4 x 11 prints are on giclèe archival fine art paper

✨16 x 20 , 24 x 30 prints are on satin posters

✨Canvas prints = canvas panels

MATTHEW 13:44–46
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it”. The gospel is the greatest treasure we can find and more valuable than anything we could acquire. So much so, that once you have it, you are willing to die for it. Die to yourself, to the world, to your desires! And that’s part of the fire that comes with it. Because you don’t only get a Pearl, but a fire also. And it is through this fire that the old things burn away. Because nothing old can remain when you are washed by the blood. This is the price for being grafted into the olive branch , the price of sonship !