The Light of the World
✨✨8 x 11 prints are on giclèe archival fine art paper
✨16 x 20 , 24 x 30 prints are on satin posters
✨Canvas prints = canvas panels
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." John 8:12 🔥 so many times we become accustomed to the ways of the world, the matrix, the systems of earth that have been programmed by its god (Satan). And it is his plan that we become accustomed, because once things become our norm - they become our reality. Once things become our reality it becomes harder to escape it, because perceiving a different one makes us believe that it only exists within our imagination. But don’t get sucked in, don’t believe the lies! Christ has come to remove the scales from our eyes and shine a light in the spaces of our life that have been consumed by darkness. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. “ Roman’s 12:2- we overcome the patterns of the WORLD ( our realities, our circumstances) by renewing our MINDS. Satan does not have the power to create - (meaning he cannot create your life for you!!)- but he operates within the power of suggestion and manipulation (witchcraft) which is why it begins and ends with our mind. I invite you today to allow Christ to shine his light in your mind and heart- (soul) so these patterns of lies are broken. Only he can shine true light , the kind that keeps the darkness away. And In doing so , your life will be transformed.